50 short assignments
A four week workshop at the Gerrit Rietveld Academy
by Veronica Ditting & Bart de Baets.
Dear all...
In the first class you’ll be given 50 short assignments. Each one has to fit on an A5 sheet of paper. There’s a certain limit of time to each task, therefore you need to react quickly. Pay attention to originality and don’t let the fast pace of assignments block your creativity. Think in a reactive way about design, art, language and other topics. If you don’t know what to do for a certain assignment, just do the first thing that comes to mind and make it look convincing. Asking questions about the assignments in the first class is really just a waste of time!
After the first part of the assignment we will order the many drawings and writings you made by hanging them as a semi-informative reading wall. It will work like a database, or like google, but unplugged.
The second step is to create your own publication from this database. It really can be anything, as long as it is something of printed matter. You will be the artist, the editor and the designer of the entire project. Feel free to take the sheets down from the wall, add content, finish up things, review, scan, copy, paste or lay-out. It’s up to you to find out on which part of the assignments you want to focus.
The database will be present in the class for the full period of 4 weeks. We want to see concrete sketches of your publication on March 22. The final presentation is on April 5. To create a little exhibition is something we should consider while working towards the end of the project.